evm round 1 live soon 🎉

evm round 1 live soon 🎉

evm round 1 live soon 🎉

evm round 1 live soon 🎉

Building the world of

Tomorrow, Today.

Building the world of

Tomorrow, Today.

Building the world of

Tomorrow, Today.

Building the world of

Tomorrow; Today.

Funding cool people, projects, and ideas through microgrants.

Funding cool people, projects, and ideas through microgrants.

Funding cool people, projects, and ideas through microgrants.

Funding cool people, projects, and ideas through microgrants.

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Scroll down to explore

Scroll down to explore

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Evm is a hub of creativity and innovation. We are dedicated to fostering a creative environment through microgrants for unique, ambitious, & creative builders.

Evm is a hub of creativity and innovation. We are dedicated to fostering a creative environment through microgrants for unique, ambitious, & creative builders.

Evm is a hub of creativity and innovation. We are dedicated to fostering a creative environment through microgrants for unique, ambitious, & creative builders.

Evm is a hub of creativity and innovation. We are dedicated to fostering a creative environment through microgrants for unique, ambitious, & creative builders.

Start Building Today

Fill out a ~ 2 minute application and receive instant funding to begin your journey.

Start Building Today

Fill out a ~ 2 minute application and receive instant funding to begin your journey.

Start building


Fill out a ~ 2 minute application and receive instant funding to begin your journey.
